A Report on Sample Transport System activities in the West Region
under the CBCHS HIV Free West Region Project.
Executive Summary
CRIHSS Foundation joined the CBCHS HIV Free West Region Team to
strengthen the sample transport system to expedite and uphold quality
service delivery within the PLHIV community in the West region.
From January to March 2022, we regularly transported VL (6,171) and EID
(165) samples from 24 PEPFAR supported health facilities, and reported
weekly and monthly on the later. We documented all challenges and
initiated corrective actions and follow up with sites within the framework
to ensure proper running of the program.
During this time we continue to leverage our Business Process Management and Continuous Improvement (BPMCI) Model to guarantee uninterrupted delivery of our STS services; we conducted site visits to train and roll out the CF Centre for Sample
Tracking System to the remaining 09 PEPFAR supported sites.
We also visited sites trained in the last quarter, but pending use of the system, to
evaluate their challenges and give them a refresher training on the use of the CF Centre Tracking system. In this quarter, we deployed the CF Sample Tracking System to all the PEPFAR supported health facilities and health districts in the West as programmed.
In addition to the regular STS activities, we evaluated the implementation of the CF Centre Sample Tracking System in the sites previously trained in the first phase, rolling out the CF Centre Sample Tracking System to the 09 remaining health
facilities, and support visits to health facilities that we trained but yet to use the platform.
Find below a full report for download.